You've Had Cancer Multiple Times and Never Knew It

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 30, 2015

The title of this article may seem misleading or even like a bold-faced lie, but the scary truth is that you and everybody you’ve ever known has indeed had cancer in their bodies many times over the course of their lives.


In all probability, you have cancer in your body right now — and not just in one place but in sites across numerous systems.

Same goes for me… and yet I’m not scared. Why?

Because the cancer cells coursing through my blood stream right now, and through yours, will never take hold and become a tumor.

And the reason is the world’s most effective known treatment for all diseases, cancer included.

That treatment isn’t a drug or a high-tech new procedure. In fact, it’s been with us since the dawn of time — since long before we even knew what cancer was.

The Best Treatment is Already Inside You

That treatment, if you haven’t guessed already, is your body’s own natural defense system.

Over the course of an average lifetime, a human being is exposed to carcinogens tens of thousands of times.

From the air we breathe to the food we eat to the clothes we wear, dangerous chemicals and compounds are all around us — many of them capable of causing cancerous cellular mutations.

The reason we’re not all dying from cancer is because in a vast majority of cases, our immune systems are very efficient at locating these mutant cells and destroying them before they have the chance to go into uncontrolled cell division.

However, as the tragic story of cancer has taught us, even something as evolved as the white blood cell is not 100% effective.

Sometimes cancerous cells go through another stage of mutation — a stage that renders them invisible to the body’s immune response.

In cases like that, a cancer cell can invade the organs of the body, dividing uncontrollably to form a tumor, which can then go on to spread the cancer’s prevalence throughout the body.


Once that happens, the immune system can no longer tackle the problem, and cancer becomes deadly as it takes over and destroys tissue indiscriminately.

Whether a person survives or succumbs to the developing cancer is determined by the tumor’s location, its stage of progress, the patient’s physical condition, and the patient’s responsiveness to today’s benchmark treatments.

The World’s Most Dreaded “Cure”

Unfortunately, today’s benchmark treatments are almost as bad as the sickness.

Radiation therapy has been around for more than a century. It, along with chemotherapy, which was pioneered in the 1940s, remains the most popular form of treatment.

Side effects from these highly invasive procedures include nausea, hair loss, weight loss, and a host of other problems, which have proven severe enough in a substantial number of cases that patients have refused treatment altogether, preferring to maximize the enjoyment of their remaining life expectancy rather than suffer from both the disease and the cure.

But what if there was a way to avoid all of that?

What if there was a way to take the cancer cells that have mutated an invisibility trait and re-flag them so the immune system can work its magic as it was intended?

Such an innovation in medical technology wouldn’t just be a cancer cure; it would be a cancer vaccine — one that would render all carcinogenic cells helpless against the body’s natural immune response.

Something of that magnitude could potentially eradicate this feared class of disease from the Earth forever, saving millions of lives annually — not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars in cost and hundreds of millions of hours in lost productivity.

I don’t like using the term “game changer.” Too many things get that characterization without cause. But once it’s perfected, this technology would be nothing less.

Theories are great, of course, but where exactly is this idea in terms of becoming a realistic treatment?

Super-Immunity, Not Super Drugs

Well, as it happens, there’s a team of researchers working in Canada right now that are well on their way to perfecting this novel approach to one of mankind’s oldest medical dilemmas.

Working closely with researchers at the University of British Columbia, a small biotech firm is now in the final stages of making this immune-boosting approach work in live lab testing.

The company behind this technology is small… but you can already see the potential of this advancement for all of mankind, regardless of borders, nationalities, age, or race.

Across the world, cancer costs an estimated $200 billion a year — a figured that obviously doesn’t factor in the cost of pain and suffering for the millions afflicted and their loved ones.

A majority of that sum comes from the U.S., and the figure climbs yearly.


It’s a giant prong of modern health care, and one that up to this point has not been met with anything resembling a safe, reliable treatment.

The Next Penicillin? Or Even Bigger?

With this new method now approaching FDA trials in the next year to 18 months, the changes could come very fast.

What it could mean for the company behind the innovation could be just as big a story from an investment standpoint.

Breakthroughs like this one don’t happen often. Off the top of my head, I can compare it to maybe two or three events in the last century.

The advent of antibiotics is one of them. Digital imaging like CT and MRI represents another. In both cases, those innovations changed the face of modern medicine.

This could prove to be even bigger.

I’ve spent some time researching this company, the scientists working on the technology, and the mechanism by which it works.

I’ve distilled my findings into a single report that lays out exactly the sort of potential we’re looking at — not just from a scientific or social perspective, but from an investment standpoint as well.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it might be the single most important medical advancement we’ve seen in the last half-century.

And because this opportunity is so big and so important, I urge you to check out my report immediately.

Get instant access, absolutely free of charge, by clicking here.

But please keep this in mind: Companies with innovations of a far smaller magnitude are routinely bought out by Big Pharma for hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.

At last check, the company doing this work today is valued at less than $10 million.

Wrap your head around those numbers for a minute, and get your free report to get the rest of the story.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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